
The present study had as the aim to analyze the performance of soybean seeds treated different products on the germination test using the substrates described by the “Rules for seed analysis” and alternative substrates. Two steps were carried out, in the first the products (fungicides and insecticides) were used individually and in the second in combinations (fungicide + insecticide, with or without polymer). Seeds were treated and sown on paper rolls, sand, vermiculite between paper rolls and sand between paper rolls. The variables evaluated were: first count, abnormal seedlings and germination. In the first step, imidacloprid+thiodicarb presented as the most problematic treatment in the paper substrate, with improved results in sand and in the alternative substrates proposed. It is possible to observe the low influence of the polymer in the results obtained in the second step. Lower results were observed for seeds treated with fludioxonil+metalaxyl-M+thiabendazole + imidacloprid+thiodicarb. Lower percentages of normal seedlings in the first count and germination, and higher percentage of abnormal seedlings, were observed in the paper substrate when the products were used individually. Sand was superior to the paper substrate, and vermiculite between paper stands out as a good alternative.

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