
Discovery of Phobos by Asaph Hall in 1877 is a key signature to study alternating space technology for Mars.Phobos is the largest and closest moon-let of Mars.Mars has a weak magnetic strength to shield harmful radiation and solar wind.To terraform Mars like our Earth we need 48 sextillion joule of seismic energy.The aim of this study is to deploy Phobos at a true anomaly of 300 degree of Mars. Phobos has 48 septillion joule of kinetic energy above a mean zenith of 6000 km.We can convert this kinetic energy into seismic energy by deploying phobos at a significant coordinate near the equator of Mars.Hence it will create a Mars-quack of amplitude 51.84 for a time interval of 5 years to terraform.It gives an outcome of convection current about 669A during my simulation.It was enough to drive the tectonic plates of Mars to enlarge the magnetosphere as well as to erupt Olympus mons and Elysium mons.During this simulation I also noticed that it activated the Dynamo effect of Mars accordingly in the direction of Magnetic field lines.The presence of magnetosphere is a responsible discovery to sustain humanity on Mars before the age of Asteroids and coronal mass ejection from our Sun.The simulation showed that after volcanic eruption on Mars ,air-aqua-atmosphere came into existence naturally. After deployment of Phobos , Deimos orbits Mars to continue it's binary relation like our Earth -Moon system.

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