
Adrenalectomized rats, maintained with saline and allowed food ad libitum, showed a positive sodium balance and a negative potassium balance following fracture of the bones of both hind legs. Qualitatively similar results were obtained in similarly treated sham adrenalectomized rats. These findings were confirmed and amplified using force-fed rats. It has been demonstrated that in force-fed adrenalectomized rats on a high salt intake there was a loss of potassium from uninjured tissues as well as from tissues which were mechanically damaged by the fracture procedure. SEVERE tissue damage is frequently followed in man and experimental animals by retention of sodium, chloride and water (1–6) and by negative potassium and nitrogen balances (2–9). In addition, evidence has been presented for an increased activity of the adrenal cortex following trauma (1, 4, 5, 10–15).

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