
Under consideration is an allowance for internal grain-scaled stresses in the evaluation of residual macroscopic stress in highly textured polycrystals. The grain-scaled stresses have been evaluated with two micromechanical models: (a) a simplified model developed for a very strong <110> fiber texture and suggesting the corresponding peculiarity of slip pattern in constitutive crystals, and (b) a full-constraint model allowing for accommodation nature of the multi-slip pattern in these crystals. Both models satisfactorily predict the position and relative intensity of the nonlinearities of d{hkl}-sin2y curve. The former model, by treating magnitude of grain-scaled stresses as a fitting parameter, provides better correspondence to experimental data. The latter model, free of fitting parameters, overestimates the grain-scaled stresses, and, consequently, the oscillations of d{hkl}-sin2y curve.

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