Clinopyroxene phenocrysts in six samples, representing the compositional range in the alkaline rocks of the region, range overall from aluminian titanian diopside (mg = Mg/[Mg + Fe t ] = 92) to aegirine (mg = 17), but Ca-pyroxenes are dominant (≈90% of 851 analyses), Ca-Na pyroxenes minor (≈ 10%) and Na-pyroxenes rare (≪ 1%). Pyroxenes in associated subalkaline rocks (dolerites and basalts) are lower-Ca augites of distinct trend. Al and Ti correlate positively in the alkaline rock pyroxenes, but negatively with Si, mirroring decreasing CaTiAl2O6 and CaSiAl2O6 components in more felsic host-rocks. Although the most evolved pyroxenes in each host-rock show increasingna (Na/[Na + Ca]) and Zr and decreasingmg as host-rock mg decreases, the most primitive pyroxenes in each host-rock do not change, implying they are not at equilibrium. Over 40 paired logitudinal and lateral traverses across 21 phenocrysts reveal very complex zoning, in which up to five growth zones can be recognized in one crystal, separated by either sharp contacts or gradual transitions. These individual zones may show one of seven zoning trends:normal (na ↑ asmg ↓ moving outwards towards the rim),reverse (na ↓ asmg ↑),inverse (na ↑ asmg ↓),converse (na ↓ asmg ↓),unzoned (no change),symmetric (na andmg display complementary ∩ and ∪ trends), oroscillatory (superimposed on normal, reverse or unzoned). Ten distinct crystal types can also be recognized, showing particular sequences of zoning trends: for example, Type 1 shows a green, relatively sodic core surrounded by a more primitive rim or overgrowth, and has similar longitudinal and lateral zoning; whereas Type 6 shows extremely erratic variations which differ longitudinally and laterally. Up to four of these types were found in one host-rock, with little pattern in their distribution between different host-rocks. These pyroxenes are believed to record an intricate history of stop-start differentiation, complicated by magma-mixing, entry or disappearance of coprecipitating phases, and inheritance of high-pressure precipitates. Apparently random superimposed variations of Al, Ti and Si within some individual growth zones most probably reflect kinetic (disequilibrium) effects, due to rapid growth and/or supercooling.
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