
This paper will present an analysis the norms and terms as complement to the concepts that enrich the common ground among the Islamic peoples as a basis of its founding, including obedience, ummah, the People of the Book, etc. These terms have been constructed within a tradition that goes contrary to both the structure of Qur?an and to human being. To illustrate, with regard to the fact that the use of the concept of the People of the Book solely as a religious idea has resulted in the shrinking of a common ground, stress will be placed on the phenomenon of the reduction in the power experienced by Muslim thinkers in the sphere of developing a universal political doctrine. So a reconstruction of these terms is needed. A mechanism to facilitate the administration of a multiethnic structure was proposed by the Koran, and the carrying out of the terms of the Compact of Medina (Sahifa al-Medina) between the Muslim and Jewish communities drawn up by the Prophet Muhammad served as a model for multiethnic and religious populations to live peaceably together. Taking these models as the point of departure of our study, we will attempt to develop the thesis that each of the basic humane norms of Islam should be adopted as a common value. The struggle mounted by Izetbegovic in Bosnia and his works that provide the theoretical framework for this struggle form a model for the nature of the impact arising from the development of these norms that were put forward in both Islamsca Deklaracijada and Islam between East and West

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