
A typical Algoma-type banded iron formation (BIF) occurs in Orvilliers, Montgolfier, and Aloigny townships in the Abitibi Greenstone belt, Quebec, Canada. The BIF is composed of millimeter to decimeter thick beds of alternating fine-grained, dark gray to black, well laminated, magnetite-rich (and/or hematite) beds and quartz–feldspar metasedimentary (graywacke) beds. The BIF is well defined by magnetic anomalies. These BIF layers are commonly associated with decimeter to meter thick horizons of metasedimentary rocks and mafic to intermediate volcanic rocks, which are locally crosscut by dikes of felsic or mafic intrusive rocks and, as well, narrow dikes of lamprophyre. The upper and lower contacts of the BIF are gradational with the adjacent graywacke. All geological units in the area are metamorphosed to the greenschist facies of regional metamorphism. Magnetite is mainly associated with subordinate amounts of hematite, quartz, Na-rich plagioclase, and muscovite. The fine-grained magnetite content is composed of 77% to 89% of the principal iron oxide minerals present. The magnetite occurs as disseminated idiomorphic to sub-idiomorphic small crystals, which average 20μm±5μm in size. Hematite is the second most abundant iron oxide mineral. Although less abundant, red jasper occurs in cherty horizons with strongly folded fragments and within fault zones. This particular Algoma-type iron formation stratigraphically extends more than 36km along strike. It dips sub-vertically with a true width from 120m to 600m. The origin of the BIF is closely linked to regionally extensive submarine hydrothermal activity associated with the emplacement of volcanic and related subvolcanic rocks in an Archean greenstone belt.

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