
Preface. Introduction. Linear and Nonlinear Group Actions, and the Newton Institute Program L.L. Scott. Tilting Modules for Algebraic Groups H.H. Andersen. Semisimplicity in Positive Characteristic G.J. McNinch. Homology Bases Arising from Reductive Groups over a Finite Field G. Lusztig. Highest Weight Modules Associated to Parabolic Subgroups with Commutative Unipotent Radicals T. Tanisaki. Symmetric Groups and Schur Algebras G. James. Branching Rules for Symmetric Groups and Applications A.S. Kleshchev. Endomorphism Algebras and Representation Theory E. Cline, et al. Representations of Simple Lie Algebras: Modern Variations on a Classical Theme R.W. Carter. The Path Model, the Quantum Frobenius Map and Standard Monomial Theory P. Littelmann. Arithmetical Properties of Blocks G.R. Robinson. The Isomorphism and Isogeny Theorems for Reductive Algebraic Groups R. Steinberg. Double Cosets in Algebraic Groups G.M. Seitz. Dense Orbits and Double Cosets J. Brundan. Subgroups of Exceptional Groups M.W. Liebeck. Overgroups of Special Elements in Simple Algebraic Groups and Finite Groups of Lie Type J. Saxl. Some Applications of Subgroup Structure to Probabilistic Generation and Covers of Curves R.M. Guralnick. Quasithin Groups M. Aschbacher. Tame Groups of Odd and Even Type A.V. Borovik. Index.

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