
Let $S$ be an orientable, connected surface with infinitely-generated fundamental group. The main theorem states that if the genus of $S$ is finite and at least 4, then the isomorphism type of the pure mapping class group associated to $S$, denoted $\mathrm{PMap}(S)$, detects the homeomorphism type of $S$. As a corollary, every automorphism of $\mathrm{PMap}(S)$ is induced by a homeomorphism, which extends a theorem of Ivanov from the finite-type setting. In the process of proving these results, we show that $\mathrm{PMap}(S)$ is residually finite if and only if $S$ has finite genus, demonstrating that the algebraic structure of $\mathrm{PMap}(S)$ can distinguish finite- and infinite-genus surfaces. As an independent result, we also show that $\mathrm{Map}(S)$ fails to be residually finite for any infinite-type surface $S$. In addition, we give a topological generating set for $\mathrm{PMap}(S)$ equipped with the compact-open topology. In particular, if $S$ has at most one end accumulated by genus, then $\mathrm{PMap}(S)$ is topologically generated by Dehn twists, otherwise the Dehn twists along with handle shifts topologically generate.

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