
Well-preserved and diverse Early Cretaceous palynological assemblages were studied from an outcrop section of the Springhill Formation at the Río Correntoso locality (PRC), close to Ghío Lake, in Santa Cruz Province, Patagonia, Argentina. The studied log corresponds to the northernmost outcrops known for the Springhill Formation in the Austral Basin. Most of the palynomorphs algae (Botryococcus, Sphaeroplea, Lecaniella, Zygnema, Pseudoschizaea, Schizosporis, Ovoidites), and some angiosperm pollen grains (Proxapertites, Longapertites, Arecipites) are distinctive and characterize the palaeoenvironment and palaeoclimate of PRC, which was dominated by estuarine coastal margin sedimentites deposited under warm and humid conditions. These angiosperm pollen grains correspond to the earliest record of these group in Patagonia, represented by diverse monosulcates and one rare tricolpate type. This new record of angiosperm pollen in the Springhill Formation provides further evidence that one of the earliest diversifications of angiosperms started at least during the early Cretaceous in Patagonia.Sergio Archangelsky provided an invaluable expertise in the field of paleobotany in multiple ways. His knowledge transcended not only through his papers but also through his exceptional oratory skills. His talks were always enriching in every aspect, combining an engaging historical account with a vision towards the future.“…La paleobotánica un placer, debe ser algo agradable, es decir uno cuando trabaja en paleobotánica le gusta lo que hace, y cuando uno está describiendo, uno se va, y es lo mismo que componer una pieza musical, te perdés, te perdés en todo y lo hacés con gusto, con pasión…” “…The paleobotany is a pleasure, it should be something enjoyable, meaning that when you work in paleobotany, you love what you do. And when you're describing, you get lost, just like composing a musical piece. You lose yourself, in everything, and you do it with pleasure, with passion…”.The file with the voice of Sergio Archangelsky is in Supplementary file under Sergio_Archangelsky.mp3.

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