
Abstract Insecticides were evaluated in a 3-yr-old stand of alfalfa at the Middle Tennessee Experiment Station, Spring Hill, TN. Furadan and Imidan were included as standards. Sixteen treatments were replicated 5 times in a randomized complete block design. Plots were 18 × 20 ft with a 6-ft alley between blocks. Insecticides were applied on 9 Apr using a CO2-powered boom sprayer mounted on bicycle wheels at the rate of 25 gal/acre. Sampling consisted of 5 pendulum sweeps with a 15-inch insect net from each plot. Pretreatment means were 19 alfalfa weevil larvae (AWL) per 5 sweeps with a 63% tip infestation. Posttreatment samples were taken at weekly intervals for 4 wk. A 5 × 20-ft strip was harvested from the middle of each plot on 10 May. Subsamples were dried for dry weight determinations.

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