
. Alexandru Ioan Cuza (1859-1866), Ruler of the Romanian United Principalities, had also reigned during his years on the throne over Southern Bessarabia, meaning the counties of Cahul, Bolgrad, and Ismail. These counties had been taken from the Russian Empire, who had appropriated them in 1812, and were reunited with the Principality of Moldova through the peace treaty signed at the end of the Crimean War (1856). To oppose the process of Russification to which the Romanian population between the rivers Prut and Dniester had been subjected, thus also the people in Southern Bessarabia, ruler Alexandru Ioan Cuza gave much attention to the education system. He had to start from the beginning with the creation of an education system in the Romanian language, which used the Latin alphabet. He created there a completely new education system: a new group of teachers, Romanian schools, Romanian handbooks, curricula. For this, the basis was the Education Law of 1864. In conclusion, I can write that ruler Cuza created the basis for the development of the Romanian education system, including that of Southern Bessarabia, a development which would happen during the time of his successor, Prince Carol I.

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