
The article is dedicated to the memory of the first director of the Library of Natural Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences (before 1991, the USSR Academy of Sciences). The Library for Natural Sciences was established in 1973 on the basis of the Sector for Special Libraries (in charge of collection development of Moscow research institutes and of their union catalog maintenance). The Library for Natural Sciences was conceived as an information library center focused on science and research information support based on modern technologies. Alexander Grigorievich Zakharov, newly-retired military professional, Lieutenant General, headed the library. In the shortest time possible, Alexander Zakharov built the centralized library system headed by the Library for Natural Sciences and meeting the demands of the time. For many years the Library’s Centralized Library System has been the largest and most developed network; the Library has been the leader in library automation based on the newest computer and network technologies. The authors have been working for the Library for over 40 years, and over 30 years under the leadership of Alexander G. Zakharov. They review the main stages of Zakharov’s career: the Great Patriotic War (he went through the war from beginning to end), his service at cosmodrome of Baikonur (launch operations, including support of Yury Gagarin’s flight), his work in the Library for Natural Sciences.


  • The article is dedicated to the memory of the first director

  • The Library for Natural Sciences was conceived as an information library center focused on science

  • research information support based on modern technologies

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The article is dedicated to the memory of the first director of the Library of Natural Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences (before 1991, the USSR Academy of Sciences). Исполнилось 100 лет со дня рождения Александра Григорьевича Захарова – первого директора БЕН АН СССР (ныне – БЕН РАН). Александр Григорьевич возглавлял библиотеку более 30 лет. Вплоть до его ухода из жизни в 2010 г. Г. Захарова можно выделить три основных периода: Великая Отечественная война, служба на космодроме, работа в БЕН. Захаров родился в Москве в 1921 г.

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