
The study area is located in the southern part of the Central Taurus in Anamur (Mersin) vicinity. The Alanya Unit consisting of completely metamorphites consists of threeimbricate metamorphic nappes. Lower-Middle Cambrian aged the Mahmutlar group (lower nappe) is composed of widespread mica schists containing crystallized limestone, cherty dolomite, quartzite interlevels and greenschist lenses. Precambrian aged Sugözü complex (middle nappe) contains kyanite-sillimanite-staurolite mica schists and widespread garnet-mica schists, which contain greenschist-amphibolite-amphibol schist bands-lenses and metagabro-metadiabase dykes-interlevels. In the middle nappe, Cambrian and Permian blocks belonging to Alanya Unit are observed. The Yumrudağ group (upper nappe) begins with Lower-Middle Cambrian aged mica schists containing cherty dolomite, crystallized limestone, quartzite interlevels and greenschist lenses. Higher up with an unconformity pass into the Upper Permian aged alternation of quartz schist - calc schist - crystallized limestone - phyllite and thick bituminous crystallized limestone containing greenschist lenses. Barite, copper and galenite formations take place in upper nappe lithologies (Ağzıkara formation). Upper Paleocene - Middle Eocene aged Kötekler formation unconformably overlies the Alanya Unit. Alanya Unit has been subjected to multi-stage deformations in connection with intense tectonic movements. Especially, biotite (brown, green) + muscovite + garnet (prop-almandine-grossular) + quartz ± chlorite (ripidolite-picnochlorite, pennin-clinochlore) ± kyanite ± staurolite ± sillimanite + plagioclase (albite-oligoclase-andesine) ± epidote ± zoisite/clinozoisite ± orthoclase + tourmaline (green, brown) ± graphite ± sphene ± rutile ± apatite mineral paragenesis are observed in metapelitic and metasemipelitic rocks belonging to Sugözü complex (middle nappe). Amphibolites and amphibole schists of this complex contain hornblende (tchermacite, ferro-tchermacite, magnesio-hornblende and edenite) + garnet + plagioclase (albite-oligoclase-andezine) ± relic clinopyroxene (augite-pigeonite) + chlorite (ripidolite, clinochlore) ± orthoclase ± epidote ± zoisite/clinozoisite ± biotite (green, brown) ± actinolite ± muscovite ± quartz ± calcite ± sphene ± apatite ± rutile mineral assemblage. Hornblende (tchermacite, ferro-tchermacite) + plagioclase (albite-oligoclase-andesine) + relic clinopyroxene (augite) ± garnet + quartz + chlorite (ripidolite, pennin-clinochlore) ± actinolite ± zoisite/clinozoisite ± epidote ± calcite ± sphene ± apatite is observed in metagabbros and metadiabases. The greenschists are characterized by tremolite + actinolite + chlorite (ripidolite-picnochlorite) + plagioclase (albite) ± garnet + zoisite / clinozoisite + epidote ± quartz ± microcline ± relic clinopyroxene (augite) ± calcite + sphene ± apatite mineral assemblage. Especially when the index minerals, different mineral paragenesis and deformation-metamorphism relations within the Sugözü complex take into account, it has been seen that Alanya unity underwent three phases of metamorphism which follow one another.

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