
<p>This paper will describe al-afʻāl al-injāziyyah at-taujīhiyyah or acts of directive illocution speech in the novel Syaiʻun fī Shadrī the work of Ichsān 'Abdu Al -Quddūs which is studied based on pragmatic studies. Novel Syaiʻun fī Shadrī is a novel classified as new (2016) in which many expressions containing acts of directive illocution speech. This is the reason for this research. To facilitate the course of research, this research through three strategic stages, namely data collection methods, data analysis methods, and methods of reporting the results of data analysis. Based on research that has been done concluded that in the novel SFS Ichsānby'Abdu Al-Quddūs is used various kinds of the act of directive illocution speech. They are (1) The act of saying thalabiyyah is a request to do or leave something, such as: rule 'amr', ask permission 'isti'zān ', suggests' iqtirāch', warns' tachdzīr ', motivates' tasyjī' ', begs attention' tanbīh, threatens' tahdīd', prays'du'ā', swearing 'qasam' and (2) The act of nafsiyyah speech is a speech act related to psychological conditions, such as motivating, cursing, pitting, and joking.</p>

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