
This paper will discuss al-af’āl al-injāziyyah or illocutionary speech acts in a novel Achbabtuka Aktsara Min Mā Yanbaghī as work 'Asīr ‘Abdullāh an-Nimsyī based on the study of pragmatics. Al-af’āl al-injāziyyah in the novel that need to be investigated as it includes expressions that use illocutionary speech acts. Three methods were used in this study, the method of data collection, data analysis methods, and methods of reporting the results of the data analysis. Based on research that has been conducted, concluded that the novel Achbabtuka Aktsara Min Mā Yanbaghī by 'Asīr ‘Abdullāh an-Nimsyī (2014) use of various kinds of al-af’āl al-injāziyyah or illocutionary speech acts. These al-af’āl al-injāziyyah are (1) al-ikhbāriyyah (assertive), (2) al-injāziyyah (declarative), (3) al-iltizāmiyyah (commissive), (4) at-ta’bīriyyah (expressive), and (5) at-taujīhiyyāt (directive). Among the five kinds of illocutionary speech acts are the most widely used in novel Achbabtuka Aktsara Min Mā Yanbaghī is a directive speech act or at-taujīhiyyāt.

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