
Government bureaucracy is the most visible institutions to be monitored by the societies obviously at the village level, associated with the service. As a public institution, the village government is expected to actualize the future goals of the central government under President Joko Widodo called the concept of nawa cita. Al elements of nation have to team up in setting up the nation on all fronts and sectors particularly public services; as a result of, rapid social transformation and the increasing complexity of the issues, encountered by the modern government. Those are prominent since the quality of public bureaucracy can be parameterized from the apparatus abilities degree in response to demands of the public. A qualified, accessible, and transparent service is the expectations and demands of society in almost all the world, including in Indonesia. Therefore, rejuvenation of the bureaucracy in the public service sector became a sort of a major reformation agenda in Indonesia since 1998 ago. Al in all, the encouragement to the improvement of reformation in service sector became a timeless expectation to be actualized. The society as users of services also must be good at monitoring; controlling and reporting if discomfort able thing occurred. For example practices of mal-administration, extortion and bribe public seemed to be a bureaucratic culture since long ago. Therefore, it required collective seriousness to carry out the reformation agenda to be accomplished with public expectations. DOI : https://doi.org/10.26905/pjiap.v1i2.503


  • Salah satu prinsip dari konsep tatakelola pemerintahan yang baik adalah akuntabilitas

  • most visible institutions to be monitored by the societies

  • the village government is expected to actualize the future goals of the central government under President Joko Widodo called the concept

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Universitas Merdeka Malang

PUBLISIA (Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Publik) merupakan terbitan berkala ilmiah yang diterbitkan Oleh Program Studi Administrasi Publik - FISIP Universitas Merdeka Malang. Memuat berbagai hasil kajian teoritik dan hasil penelitian di bidang Administrasi Publik dengan tujuan untuk membangun kolaborasi antar komunitas epistemik di bidang Administrasi Publik. Ditahun 1997 jurnal ini bernama "Publisia: Jurnal Kebijakan Publik" terbit sebanyak 4 kali dalam setahun, kemudian ditahun 2004 mendapatkan ISSN (p) 1410-0983 dengan judul terbitan "Publisia: Jurnal Sosial dan Politik". Ditahun 2014, terbitan berkala ini berganti judul dengan "PUBLISIA Ditahun 2016 terbit dalam 2 versi (Cetak dan Online), perubahan sub judul pada terbitan berkala ini diajukan pembaruan sehingga ISSN (p): 2541-2515, di versi online ISSN (e): 2541-2035. Setiap tahun terbit sebanyak 2 kali, di Bulan April dan Oktober.

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Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Publik
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