
BAZNAS Padang City has compiled several programs to achieve its mission, including Padang Sejahtera by providing business capital assistance to small traders with the aim of improving their welfare. The plan to manage, collect, and invest zakat funds has been carried out properly and professionally by BAZNAS Padang City. Based on the initial survey, it was found that three small traders who received assistance from the Padang City Baznas did not increase their wares from before, even one of them went out of business. The purpose of this study is as an advocacy material related to the management of zakat distribution in an effort to improve the mustahik economy, namely those who are members of the Padang Sejahtera program.This study uses descriptive qualitative analysis methods and data sources to obtain information related to zakat in BAZNAS Padang City. Techniques for collecting data on observing, interviewing, and documenting activities. In order to obtain research results that can be carried out, there is a responsibility that can be carried out by triangulation. Referring to the research activities carried out, the results of the distribution of zakat from BAZNAS Padang City can have a mustahik effect, although not optimal. The zakat assistance given from the Padang City Baznas is very large, so the opportunity for advancement for mustahik is not optimal. Finding funds for the mustahik funding proposal is slow, creating a disappointed attitude towards the mustahik. There is no assistance to mustahik. The Padang City BAZNAS has less than optimal monitoring efforts for mustahik who get a loan from zakat, because there are still mustahik who have fixed assets.

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