
Records creator, archive creator and archive information user: mutual relations in view of the development of modern information and communication technologies The aim of this article is to examine the mutual relations between the records creator, the archive creator and the information user in light of contemporary developments in information and communication technologies. The study was carried out in form of desk-based research, analysis of the literature, analysis of legal regulations and reports of the Head Office of the State Archives for the years 2011–2020. The analyses have revealed a very dynamic progress of digitisation in archives, which has a direct impact on the relations between all participants of information processes in archives. The phenomenon of prosumption of archival knowledge, not yet described in archival science literature, was also pointed out. The article concludes that it is necessary to make wider use of the knowledge possessed by archivists and archive users in order to design new tools and methods for creating, developing and sharing archival resources in digital form.

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