
A study on activity of the Little Egret (Egretta garzetta) was conducted in Serangan Island, southern part ofBali between May and June 2016. The aim of this study was to find out daily activities of these birds in threedifferent habitats: lagoons, mangrove forests and muddy beaches. Preliminary observation was conducted throughAd Libitum sampling, while the sample on the main study was through a scan sampling method. The data wascollected through recording activities of the egret on interval of 30 seconds within two hours. The data collectionwas undertaken in three periods: morning, afternoon and evening. The colony of observed egrets was chosenrandomly across habitats and time periods. Data collected were descriptively or quantitatively analysed. Results ofthe study showed that from the three observation periods, the egret activities were dominated by the sameactivities, that was foraging, but with different magnitudes or percentages. In contrast, activities with the lowestpercentage was agonistic. In the lagoon area, the percentage of the activity of foraging was as follows: in themorning it was 50.15%, in the afternoon 46,62%, and in the evening 49,63%. In mangrove areas the percentage offoraging activities was as follows: in the morning it was 52.46%, in the afternoon 41.60%, and in the evening50.83%. The percentage of foraging activities in muddy beaches was as follows: in the morning it was 50.18%, inthe afternoon 42.70%, and in the evening 49,65%.Keywords : little egret, Serangan Island, daily activities, habitat, Bali


  • Penelitian tentang aktivitas burung kuntul kecil (Egretta garzetta) dilakukan di Pulau Serangan antara bulan Mei dan Juni 2016

  • The aim of this study was to find out daily activities of these birds in three different habitats: lagoons, mangrove forests and muddy beaches

  • Preliminary observation was conducted through Ad Libitum sampling, while the sample on the main study was through a scan sampling method

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Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di kawasan Pulau Serangan, Kecamatan Denpasar Selatan, Provinsi Bali. Aktivitas harian burung kuntul kecil pada habitat mangrove didominasi oleh foraging (pagi : 52,46%, siang : 41,60%, sore : 50,83%), sedangkan aktivitas yang paling sedikit dilakukan adalah agonistik (pagi : 0,32%, siang : 0,08%, sore : 0,20%) (Gambar 3). Hal tersebut disebabkan oleh karena pada pagi hari merupakan waktu aktif bagi burung kuntul kecil untuk mencari makan, dan pada sore hari burung akan melakukan pergerakan kembali untuk mensuplai makanan yang digunakan untuk menyimpan energi (Ardley, 1985). Dari hasil pengamatan didapatkan bahwa aktivitas preening paling tinggi dilakukan pada siang hari, karena pada umumnya burung melakukan aktivitas ini pada siang hari atau saat suhu mulai tinggi yaitu saat burung selesai melakukan aktivitas bergerak dan foraging. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa dari ketiga tipe habitat (laguna, mangrove, dan pantai lumpur), aktivitas yang paling mendominasi adalah aktivitas foraging, dikarenakan umumnya burung lebih banyak menghabiskan waktunya untuk mencari makan (foraging). Rendahnya persentase aktivitas ini karena dilakukan hanya saat burung dalam keadaan terancam atau kompetisi dalam mencari makan atau pasangan kawin

Prosiding Seminar Nasional dan Teknologi FMIPA
Jurusan Biologi Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu
Biologi Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan
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