
Ozet: Turkiye’de tarih ilmi ve tarihciligin gelismesine Rusya Turkleri buyuk katki saglamislardir ki bu isimlerden biri de Akdes Nimet Kurat’tir. 1903 yilinda Tataristan’da dogan Kurat, 1922’de Turkiye’ye gelerek, Fuad Koprulu’nun yaninda tarihle ilgili ilk calismalarina baslamistir. Arastirmalarda bulunmak uzere pek cok kez yurtdisina cikmis, gittigi ulkelerdeki dili ogrendigi gibi oralarda Turk tarihi ile ilgili olan kaynaklari da incelemistir. Turk lehcelerinin yani sira 9 dil bilen Kurat, 23 kitap ve 79 bilimsel makale olmak uzere pek cok eser kaleme almistir. Turk tarihine bir butun olarak bakan Kurat, calismalarini da bu dogrultuda surdurmustur. Ayrica dogup buyudugu ortamin etkisi de Kurat’in tarihciligini sekillendirmistir. Kurat, tarih arastirmalarinda kaynaklar uzerinde onemle durmus, calismalarin kaynak ve orijinal vesikalardan yararlanilarak ilmi metotlar cercevesinde yapilmasi gerektigini belirtmistir. Ezberci tarih ogretimine karsi cikan Kurat, akademik tarih ogretiminin nasil olmasi gerektiginden de bahsetmistir. Sadece calismalari ile degil ayni zamanda “hoca” kimligi ile de dikkati ceken Kurat, Turk tarihciligine bugun de hizmet eden pek cok akademisyenin yetismesine katki saglamistir. Bu calismada Akdes Nimet Kurat’in hayati, akademik faaliyetleri, Turk tarihi, tarihcilik ve tarih ogretimi ile ilgili gorusleri, tarih anlayisi hakkinda bilgi verilerek bazi degerlendirme ve onerilerde bulunulmustur. Anahtar Kelimeler: Akdes Nimet Kurat, Tarihcilik, Tarih Ogretimi, Turk Tarihi, Tarih Anlayisi Abstract: Russian Turks contributed a lot to development of history and historiography in Turkey. Akdes Nimet Kurat is one of those Russian Turks. Kurat, who was born in Tartary in 1903, came to Turkey in 1922 and began his initial studies in history under supervision of Fuad Koprulu. He traveled abroad many times to make investigations, and he studied sources related with Turkish history by learning language of the host country as well. Kurat, who was able to speak 9 foreign languages besides Turkish dialects, did many studies, including 23 books and 79 of those are scientific articles. Kurat, who perceived Turkish history as a whole, continued his works in this direction. Additionally effect of the environment where he was born shaped his historiography. Kurat stressed greatly on importance of sources at historical studies. In this case; he stated that historical studies must be conducted in the framework of scientific methods by using original documents and sources. concerning history education, Kurat was opposite to learn by memorizing and he explained how academic history history education should be. Kurat, who takes the attention not only due to his works but also due to his “hodja” identity, contributed a lot to academically growth of many academicians who have still been serving to Turkish historiography. In this study information about Akdes Nimet Kurat’s life, academic studies, his ideas related to Turkish history and historiography were given, and some evaluations and suggestions were done. Keywords : Akdes Nimet Kurat, Historiography, History Education, Turkish History, Conception of History

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