
SUMMARY THE RESEARCH OF GENITOURINARY TUBERCULOSIS IN PATIENTS WITH PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS Genitourinary tuberculosis was found in 21 (10.94 percent) of 192 patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. The diagnosis of genitourinary tuberculosis was confirmed in two cases by the growth on culture media, in eighteen cases by the direct smear and in one case by both of them. In cases previously taking therapy for tuberculosis it was seen that the direct smear was superior to urine culture in the diagnosis of genitourinary tuberculosis. OZET Akciger tuberkulozla 192 olgunun 21 * inde (% 10,94) genitoiiriner sistem tuberkulozu tespit edildi. Tani. olgulardan 2'sinde kultur, 186 inde idrar mikroskopisi ve 1 ' inde de hem kultur, hem de mikroskopik tetkik ile konuldu. Daha once tuberkuloz tedavisi alan olgularda genitouriner sistem tuberkulozu tanisinda idrar mikroskopisinin kulture gore daha degerli bir tani yontemi oldugu goruldu.

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