When ${\cal{D}}$ is a linear partial differential operator of any order, a direct problem is to look for an operator ${\cal{D}}_1$ generating the compatibility conditions (CC) ${\cal{D}}_1\eta=0$ of ${\cal{D}}\xi=\eta$. We may thus construct a differential sequence with successive operators ${\cal{D}},{\cal{D}}_1,{\cal{D}}_2, ...$, where each operator is generating the CC of the previous one. Introducing the formal adjoint $ad( )$, we have ${\cal{D}}_i\circ {\cal{D}}_{i-1}=0 \Rightarrow ad({\cal{D}}_{i-1}) \circ ad({\cal{D}}_i)=0$ but $ad({\cal{D}}_{i-1})$ may not generate all the CC of $ad({\cal{D}}_i)$. When $D=K[d_1,...,d_n]=K[d]$ is the (non-commutative) ring of differential operators with coefficients in a differential field $K$, it gives rise by residue to a differential module $M$ over $D$. The homological extension modules $ext^i(M)=ext^i_D(M,D)$ with $ext^0(M)=hom_D(M,D)$ only depend on $M$ and are measuring the above gaps, independently of the previous differential sequence.The purpose of this rather technical paper is to compute them for certain Lie operators involved in the formal theory of Lie pseudogroups in arbitrary dimension $n$. In particular, we prove that the extension modules highly depend on the Vessiot structure constants $c$. When one is dealing with a Lie group of transformations or, equivalently, when ${\cal{D}}$ is a Lie operator of finite type, then we shall prove that $ext^i(M)=0, \forall 0\leq i \leq n-1$. It will follow that the Riemann-Lanczos and Weyl-Lanczos problems just amount to prove such a result for $i=2$ and arbitrary $n$ when ${\cal{D}}$ is the Killing or conformal Killing operator. We finally prove that ${ext}^i(M)=0, \forall i\geq 1$ for the Lie operator of infinitesimal contact transformations with arbitrary $n=2p+1$. Most of these new results have been checked by means of computer algebra.
The language of differential modules has been recently introduced in control theory as a way to understand in an intrinsic way the structural properties of systems of ordinary differential (OD) or partial differential (PD) equations [1]-[10]
We start providing a few explicit examples in order to convince the reader that the corresponding computations are often becoming so tricky that nobody could achieve them or even imagine any underlying general algorithm, for example in the study of the mathematical foundations of control theory, elasticity theory or general relativity
As this is the case of the rin= g D K= [dx ] K [d ] when n = 1, we obtain the following corollary of the preceding parametrizing Theorem, allowing to extend the Kalman test of controllability to PD systems with variable coefficients as we did in the Introduction
The language of differential modules has been recently introduced in control theory as a way to understand in an intrinsic way the structural properties of systems of ordinary differential (OD) or partial differential (PD) equations (controllability, observability, identifiability, ...) [1]-[10]. As we shall see, all the differential modules used through applications will be left modules over the ring of differential operators and it will not be possible to use dual sequences as we did without being able to “pass from left to right and vice-versa” For this purpose we need many delicate results from differential geometry, in particular a way to deal with the formal adjoint of an operator as we did many times in the Introduction. The following procedure, where one may have to change linearly the independent variables if necessary, is the key towards the definition which is intrinsic even though it must be checked in a particular coordinate system called δ-regular (see [6] [20] and [39] for more details): Equations of class n: Solve the maximum number β n q of equations with respect to the jets of order q and ( ) class n.
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