
Data from detailed tracer concentration decay and induced pressurization measurements were obtained in tests of duplex and row apartments at Norfolk, Virginia and Pensacola, Florida to accurately determine air leakage characteristics of selected naval housing. Local meteorological information also was collected to facilitate comparison of predicted versus measured air leakage rates. For the Norfolk data, the 4-Pa leakage areas inferred from pressurization/depressurization measurements are uniformly lower than those calculated from the measured tracer dilution air leakage rate via the Sherman air leakage model. Considerable tracer dilution testing was performed on a single unit of duplex housing at Pensacola. Air leakage testing within rooms of this unit disclosed a uniformly low air leakage rate. The data also illustrated the directional nature of air leakage in a duplex. Of particular additional interest were two measurements taken over a 24-h period utilizing a single tracer injection followed by monitoring of dilution decay. Samples were taken by the container method and analyzed.

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