Yontem: ‹c hastal›klar› (‹H), cocuk sal›¤› ve hastal›klar› (CSH), ka- d›n hastal›klar› ve doum (KHD), genel cerrahi (GC), ilkyard›m ve acil (‹YA), psikiyatri (PS) ve aile hekimlii (AH) anabilim dallar›nda cal›flan toplam 125 asistan›n 99'u (%79.2) cal›flmaya kat›ld›. De- mografik ozelliklerini, uzmanl›k eitimi ve oncesi sureclerini, sa¤- l›k durumlar›n› ve sosyal yaflamlar›n› sorgulayan bir anket uygulan- d›. Bulgular: AH asistanlar›n›n yafl ortalamas›, CSH ve KHD asistanla- r›n›n yafl ortalamas›na gore daha yuksekti (p<0,05). ‹H ve GC-‹YA bolumlerinde erkek asistan, dier bolumlerde ise kad›n asistan oran› daha yuksek bulundu (p<0,05). AH asistanlar›n›n pratisyen hekim olarak cal›flt›klar› sure ‹H, CSH ve KHD asistanlar›na gore daha uzundu (p<0,05). PS ve KHD asistanlar›n›n %80-90'›n›n, ‹H asistanlar›n›n yar›s›n›n, AH ve CSH asistanlar›n›n %30-35'inin T›p- ta Uzmanl›k S›nav›'nda (TUS) ilk uc tercihlerine girdikleri saptand› (p<0,05). AH asistanlar›n›n son bir aydaki nobet s›kl›¤› ortalamas› ‹H, CSH, GC-‹YA, asistanlar›n›nkinden dufluktu (p<0,001). Sosyal yaflam ve sal›k durumlar› ac›s›ndan gruplar aras›nda anlaml› bir fark bulunamad›. Sonuc: Demografik ozellikler, uzmanl›k eitimi ve oncesi surecle ilgili baz› parametrelerde asistan gruplar› aras›nda istatistiksel ola- rak anlaml› farkl›klar saptand›. Aile hekimlii uzmanl›¤›n›n TUS'ta tercih s›ralamas›nda ilk uce girme oran›n›n dufluklu¤u disiplinin geliflimi ve gelecei ac›s›ndan dikkate al›nmas› gereken bir bulgu olarak deerlendirildi. Summary Objective: This paper aims to investigate the features and the dif- ferences of the family medicine residents and the residents of the departments the family medicine residents working during their rotations, in the University of Cukurova. Methods: A total of 99 (79.2%) out of 125 residents working in the departments of internal medicine (IM), pediatrics (PED), gyne- cology and obstetrics (G&O), general surgery (GS), emergency medicine (EM), psychiatry (PS), and family medicine (FM) participat- ed in the study. Data about their demographic features, graduate and undergraduate educational processes, health situations, and social lives were collected using a semi-structured questionnaire. Results: The mean age of the FM residents was higher compared to the PED and G&O residents (p<0.05). While the percentage of male residents was higher than the female residents in the IM, GS, and EM clinics, the other clinics mostly have female residents (p<0.05). For the FM residents, the time period which they served as a general practitioner was longer then the IM, PED, and G&O residents (p<0.05). 80-90% of the PS and G&O residents, half of the IM residents, and 30-35% of the FM and PED residents had succeeded in entering one of their first three choices in the Medical Specialization Exam (MSE) (p<0.05). For the FM residents the mean frequency of being on call in a month was found to be lower compared to the IM, PED, GS, and EM residents (p<0.001). There were no significant differences between all groups in terms of social life and health situation. Conclusions: There were statistically significant differences in some of the demographic features and graduate and undergraduate edu- cational processes between the resident groups. For the family medicine discipline, the low percentage of entering one of the first three choices in the MSE, is considered to be important for the development and future of the discipline.
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