
The agricultural industry is witnessing a significant shift due to the emergence of Artificial Intelligence driven Internet of Things (AIIoT), which is providing farmers with unparalleled automation capabilities and insights. The goal of this paper is to present a thorough review of AIIoT in smart agriculture, emphasising its uses, advantages, and consequences for decision-making. Smart agriculture decision-making is a game-changing technology that gives farmers the ability to maximise their operations and make well-informed judgements. Through the utilisation of advanced analytics, real-time data, and decision support systems, farmers may optimise crop yields, minimise expenses, and minimise risks. The agricultural industry will become more sustainable and productive as a result of farmers' increased ability to make decisions as the field of smart agriculture develops. The application of AI and IoT in smart agriculture is a game-changing technology that might completely alter how we grow and prepare food. Farmers can increase crop yields and quality, streamline operations, and contribute to a more effective and sustainable food supply chain by utilising AI and IoT. The advantages of AIIoT in smart agriculture are evident, despite the fact that there are still certain obstacles to be addressed, and its use is anticipated to increase in the years to come.

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