
ABSTRACT In this work, we expand and test the capabilities of our recently developed superresolution (SR) model to generate high-resolution (HR) realizations of the full phase-space matter distribution, including both displacement and velocity, from computationally cheap low-resolution (LR) cosmological N-body simulations. The SR model enhances the simulation resolution by generating 512 times more tracer particles, extending into the deeply nonlinear regime where complex structure formation processes take place. We validate the SR model by deploying the model in 10 test simulations of box size 100 h−1 Mpc, and examine the matter power spectra, bispectra, and two-dimensional power spectra in redshift space. We find the generated SR field matches the true HR result at per cent level down to scales of k ∼ 10 h Mpc−1. We also identify and inspect dark matter haloes and their substructures. Our SR model generates visually authentic small-scale structures that cannot be resolved by the LR input, and are in good statistical agreement with the real HR results. The SR model performs satisfactorily on the halo occupation distribution, halo correlations in both real and redshift space, and the pairwise velocity distribution, matching the HR results with comparable scatter, thus demonstrating its potential in making mock halo catalogues. The SR technique can be a powerful and promising tool for modelling small-scale galaxy formation physics in large cosmological volumes.

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