
The paper will address the problem of replacing human in dispute resolution taking Mediation as an example. The widespread use of internet and online technology has led to the emergence of various e-commerce businesses across different sectors of the economy, resulting in a constant flow of transactions. The importance of the internet in the virtual realm cannot be denied, and this has led to the emergence of virtual disputes that require virtual settlement mechanisms. Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) is a form of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) that has arisen to address this issue. This paper aims to examine the potential applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in ODR, specifically in the context of transnational disputes to AI instead of Human interference. This paper will state the analysis methodology used in studying the topic The incorporation of AI into ODR systems has the potential to accelerate the settlement of low-value transnational claims. ODR typically involves negotiation or settlement during mediation or arbitration using video, audio, or written collaboration software, or any other digital platform where parties can come together to resolve their disputes.

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