
The structure of agroforestry management in West Halmahera Regency was mostly managed modestly and the primary constituents were annual plants (Multi-Purpose Tree Species). The study aimed to 1) describe agroforestry patterns and systems, 2) identify and analyze internal and external factors whichwere determinants of agroforestry development attempts, and 3) formulate priority strategies to accelerate agroforestry development. The research was conducted from March to June 2021. The results showed that the agroforestry patterns applied by farmers were Agrisilviculture and Agrosilvopasturemodes. Furthermore, the results of the SWOT analysis showed that the alternative strategies which could be offered were 1) Socialization by relevant parties to encourage the community to enhance forestry plant cultivation, for the sake of soil and water conservation, and also as a business opportunity. In this regard, the community needed to be assisted with quality seeds, in addition to optimizing the use of available seeds on the community’s lands; 2) Increasing the intensity of the implementation of guidance, counseling, and assistance, taking into account the conditions and problems faced by farmers in the field; 3) Boosting the intensity of education and training to develop community insights and skills regarding good cropping systems, proper use of pesticides, pest and disease prevention in plants. The three alternative strategies offered are to overcome the weaknesses and deal with the threats experienced shortly agroforestry development efforts.

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