
The present study discriminates the spinodal decomposition and G-phase precipitation in stainless steel welds by double loop electrochemical potentio-kinetic reactivation method and correlates it with the degradation in toughness property. The welds produced with different heat inputs were aged up to 10,000 hours at 673 K to 723 K (400 to 450 °C) and evaluated subsequently for the degree of sensitization (DOS) and impact toughness. The DOS values obtained were attributed to the spinodal decomposition and precipitation of G-phase. Study shows that the DOS correlates well with the impact toughness of the 304LN weld. Prolonged aging at 673 K and 723 K (400 °C and 450 °C) increased the DOS values while the impact toughness was decreased. The weld fabricated at 1 kJ/mm of heat input, produced higher DOS, compared to that at 3 kJ/mm. The geometrical location along the weld is shown to influence the DOS; higher values were obtained at the root than at the topside of the weld. Vermicular and columnar microstructure, in addition to the spinodal decomposition and G-phase precipitation, observed in the root side of the weld appear risky for the impact toughness.

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