
Results from the previous times (Times 1–3) of the Swedish longitudinal OCTO immune study indicated that a combination of high CD8 and low CD4 percentages and poor T-cell proliferation in PBL was associated with a higher 2-year mortality in a sample of very old Swedish individuals. The combination of immune parameters was closely related to an inverted CD4/CD8 ratio. In the present study at Time 4 (T4) results are reported from the final follow-up of this longitudinal study, 8 years after it was initiated in 1989. An additional goal at this time point was to examine the immune system alterations in the very old in relation to evidence of lymphocyte activation and cytomegalovirus antibody status. In the present study immune system changes were identified that suggest a loss of T-cell homeostasis, as reflected by a decrease in the number of CD4 cells and a very significant increase in the number of CD8 cells in individuals with an inverted CD4/CD8 ratio. When considered over the duration of the OCTO study the inversion occurred in a high percentage (32%) of the individuals included in the original sample and was associated with non-survival. At T4 the changes were apparent in a number of the T-cell subsets, but particularly in the CD8 +CD28 − and CD57 + subsets. T-cell activation was significantly associated with the inversion of the CD4/CD8 ratio. In this very old sample the subset alterations were associated with evidence of cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection.

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