
Pathology of an eruption of wisdom teeth is importance for a military odontology because the vast majority of the military contingents on age coincides with time of their physiological eruption (16-40 years). In work, on the basis of clinic-radial methods of a research, features of a teething of wisdom at young people of military age are studied and analyzed 3D-tomograms and orthopantomograms of 325 servicemen aged from 18 up to 27 years. During work estimated existence of wisdom teeth on top and lower jaws, extent of their eruption, existence of a retention (or dystopias) and also an adentia or loss of wisdom teeth. It was established that most often eruption of the third molar teeth of jaws at recruits occurs at the age of 23-27 years, at the same time at a series of recruits eruption of the lower wisdom teeth usually is followed by various complications, such as pericoronitis, an acute purulent periostitis of a mandible, a false «acute periodontitis» of the lower second molar tooth that becomes perceptible at mesial shift of a wisdom tooth and dense contact of its coronal part with a distal root of the second molar tooth. The essential value for a full-fledged teething of wisdom has their situation in an alveolar process (part) of a jaw, and further - in dentition. It in many respects defines a clinical picture of the shown eruption complications and also tactics of stomatologic treatment - orthodontic treatment, surgical treatment or their combinations. The infectious and inflammatory complications bound to the complicated their eruption (85,93% of cases) served as the reasons of an exodontia of wisdom. In 14,07% of cases wisdom teeth on both jaws were extracted in a planned order in connection with the forthcoming orthodontic treatment on elimination of dentoalveolar anomalies. Thus, terms and features of a teething of wisdom at recruits need to be considered in clinical practice of a military odontology as their military service can pass in specific living conditions and activity of troops and health service, and at complications of a teething of wisdom the acute stomatologic surgical management, including stationary is in most cases necessary.

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