
The age and growth of 546 channel catfish were determined in Tutt!e Creek Reservoir of northeastern Kansas. Aging and length calculations were done by using pectoral sipine sections. The fish length-spine radius relationship was curvilinear with a relationship of L = 7.50 + 87.96 S + 8.02 S2 where L = total fish length in mm and S = spine radius in mm. Cagculated lengths for each age up to 10 years were, respectively, 60, 145, 201, 257, 301, 344, 394, 453, 495, and 528 mm. Differences in regression coefficients were not significant between sexes, year classes, or age groups. Growth was about medium compared with growth reported in studies from other areas. The calculated leng*-weight relationship was log W = -5.419 + 3.115 log L where W = weight in grams and L = total length in mm. Trans. Kans. Acad. Sci., 76 (3), 1973. Introduction The channel catfish, IC/dlsXF#)pGnctatZ-/5 (Rafinesque), is widely distributed throughout the eastern half of the United States and has long been a favorite species of sport and commercial fishermen. Its growth potential (Tiemeier and Deyoe 1972) and popularity have led to wide distribution into many impoundments. Age and growth studies on channel catfish are numerous (Carlander, 1969) but rather limited for the newer plains reservoirs. This study determined the age and growth of channel catfish in Tuttle Creek Reservoir of Kansas. Materials and Methods Channel catfish were collected from Tuttle Creek Reservoir, a flood control and recreation reservoir on the Big Blue River completed in 1962 about 8 km north of Manhattan in northeastern Kansas. At conservation level the surface area is about 6,400 ha and extends some 35 km northward irl the river valley. The reservoir is lcyng and narrow with a few short coves. The deepest part over the floodplainy near the dam is about 14 m mean depth is about 8 sn. Water conditions are typical of platns reservoirs Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science, Vol. 76, No. 3, 1973. Published July 19, 1974. 1 Contribution No. 1197, Division of Biology, Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas 66506.

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