
This article explores the diversity of ethnicities and religions in the Engganese society, which has become color in their life dynamics—local wisdom based on customary rules succeeded in uniting differences into peace. Ethnic and religious differences, which have been considered dividing the nation, did not occur in the Enggano community. This study uses a qualitative method by interviewing several vital informants who are religious or traditional leaders. The purpose of this study is to show that ethnic and religious differences can create harmony and peace in society. The results of this study are that the Enggano community is an open society that easily accepts the presence of newcomers; then that migrants get the same rights and obligations as indigenous people; also that migrants are required to give up their cultural identity when entering Enggano; that religion is a new value in the Enggano community which is not regulated by custom; and that adat has an important role in shaping the behavior of the Engganese people. These factors are the keys to peace in a multi-ethnic and multi-religious society.


  • Abstrak: Artikel ini menelusuri keragamaan etnis dan agama dalam masyarakat Enggano yang menjadi warna dalam dinamika kehidupan mereka

  • The purpose of this study is to show that ethnic and religious differences can create harmony and peace in society

  • Kerukunan Dan Toleransi Umat Beragama : Rekayasa Kearifan Lokal Dalam Manajemen Konflik Di Pulau Terluar Enggano

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Identitas etnis terbentuk seiring dengan identitas agama yang diyakini. Identitas agama melekat dan mempengaruhi nilai-nilai yang berlaku pada etnis tersebut sehingga menjadi penciri suatu etnis. Pengkotak-kotakan identitas etnis dapat menjadi pemecahbelah bangsa dan dapat memicu konflik di tengah masyarakat terutama ketika konflik tersebut dikaitkan dengan simbol-simbol agama tertentu. Seperti agama dan perdamaian (Abdullah, 2018; Hidayat, 2017; Irawan, 2014); nilai-nilai kultural dalam menjaga perdamaian (Ernas, 2015; Feriyanto, 2018; Nurdin, 2013) konflik dalam masyarakat yang multicultural dan multireligion (Alhamid, 2014; Hamid, 2013; Lestari & Parihala, 2020; Lindawaty, 2011); resolusi konflik (Ardiansyah, 2010); serta harmoni dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat (Ayubi, 2016; Ernas et al, 2014). Kajian-kajian terdahulu seringkali mendudukkan perbedaan agama dan identitas etnis sebagai sumber dari konflik di berbagai daerah sedangkan kajian yang lain berhasil menggunakan budaya lokal sebagai kekuatan menjadi harmoni di tengah keragaman suku dan agama

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