Combination of internal political and social crisis with armed conflict in the neighbour country behind the less dangerous frontier without any possibility of obtaining fastly any real aid from allies is one of the worst possible political scenarios in the time of peace. France faced such a situation in 1936 after her Popular Front’s electoral victory and the beginnig of military mutiny in Spain provoqued by further escalation of internal political struggle. Mutiny developed into civil war that, beeing local geographically, became a global political problem because it troubled many great powers and first of all France. This article depicts and analyzes position and views on Spanish civil war and its antecedents of French nationalist royalist movement «Action française» leaded by Charles Maurras (1868–1952) and her allies in next generations of French nationalists – philosopher and political writer Henri Massis (1886–1970) and novelist Robert Brasillach (1909–1945). All of them from the first day hailed Spanish Nationalist cause and were sure in her final victory so took side against any French help, first of all military, to Spanish Republican government, propagated Franco’s political program, denounced Soviet intervention into Spanish affairs and “Communist threat”. Staying for Catholic and Latin unity French nationalists were anxious to prevent Franco’s rapprochement with Nazi Germany that they regarded as France’s “hereditary emeny” notwithstanding of political regime. Trips of Maurras and Massis to Spain in 1938 and theirs meetings with Franco were aimed to demonstrate this kind of unity with silent but clear anti-German overtone. Brasillach’s “History of War in Spain” (1939) became the first French overview of the events from Nationalist point of view.
Massis to Spain in 1938 and theirs meet ings with Franco were aimed to demon strate this kind of unity with silent but clear anti-German overtone
Combination of internal po litical and social crisis with armed conflict in the neighbour country behind the less dangerous frontier without any possibili ty of obtaining fastly any real aid from al lies is one of the worst possible political sce narios in the time of peace. France faced such a situation in 1936 after her Popular Front’s electoral victory and the beginnig of military mutiny in Spain provoqued by fur ther escalation of internal political strug gle
Mutiny developed into civil war that, beeing local geographically, became a glob al political problem because it troubled ma ny great powers and first of all France
ЦИТИРОВАНИЕ: Молодяков В.Э. (2019) Против анархии и Гитлера: французский национализм и гражданская война в Испании // Контуры глобальных трансформаций: политика, экономика, право. (2019) Против анархии и Гитлера: французский национализм и гражданская война в Испании // Контуры глобальных трансформаций: политика, экономика, право. На стоящая статья излагает и анализи рует позицию, которую заняли в отно шении гражданской войны в Испании и предшествовавших ей событий наци оналистическое монархическое движе ние «Action française» во главе с Шарлем Моррасом (1868–1952) и его союзни ки, представители следующих поколе ний французских националистов – фи лософ и публицист Анри Массис (1886– 1970) и писатель Робер Бразийяк (1909– 1945). Выступая за католическое и ла тинское единство, французские наци оналисты стремились не допустить сближения Франко с нацистской Герма нией, которую считали «наследствен ным врагом» Франции при любом режи ме. ПРОТИВ АНАРХИИ И ГИТЛЕРА: ФРАНЦУЗСКИЙ НАЦИОНАЛИЗМ И ГРАЖДАНСКАЯ ВОЙНА В ИСПАНИИ. КЛЮЧЕВЫЕ СЛОВА: Франция, Испа ния, Германия, национализм, граждан ская война, Народный фронт, Action française, фашизм, вмешательство
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