
Part 1 At issue - deterrence in the post-Cold War era, Charles W. Kegley, Jr and Kenneth L. Schwab. Part 2 The views of policymakers and strategic theorists: military power and the passing Cold War, Richard Perle what stakes would justify the use of weapons of mass destruction?, Sir Hugh Beach now more than ever - no first use, Paul C. Warnke. Part 3 The views of policy analysts and peace researchers: deterrence, nuclear weapons, morality and war, John Mueller what power do nuclear weapons give their possessors? - the basic instability of deterrence, Kenneth E. Boulding MAD (Minimum Assured Deterrence) is still the moral position, Paul M. Kattenburg an acceptable role for nuclear weapons?, Bruce Martin Russett. Part 4 The views of moral philosophers and religious leaders: ordering our destiny - politics, strategy and ethics, Joseph Cardinal Bernardin from pacifism to apocalyptic visions - religious perspectives on nuclear deterrence, Janice Love can contemporary war be just? - elements in the moral debate, James Turner Johnson. Part 5 New thinking and old questions: on the scholarly study of nuclear deterrence - historical roots of the new discourse, Steven W. Hook and William A. Clark the post-Cold War context - the contributors' dialogue in perspective, Jonathan Davidson.

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