
Silences in the discipline of International Relations on genocide amount to a form of genocide denial, which is one of the foundations of future genocide. The paper posits that in the era of militarized global apartheid, progressive scholars are challenged to critique and expose the past and current crimes against humanity that are occurring in Africa. Drawing from the consolidation of an alternative analysis in the context of the Bandung Project, the paper analyzed the contributions of the ideas that emerged out of the anti-apartheid struggles and the struggles for reparative justice. Struggles from the Global South had culminated in the World Conference against Racism (WCAR) process, elevating the anti-racist battles as a core challenge of Africas International Relations. This rejuvenation and energies coming out of the protracted struggle for bread, peace and justice took the form of the transition to the African Union leaving behind the concept of the noninterference in the internal affairs of states. The paper analyzed the ways in which afro-pessimism was being reinforced by the constructivist path in African International Relations. The contributions of radical African feminists are presented as one new direction where there is the coalescence of the progressive anti-imperialist intellectual traditions with radical feminisms. These two traditions open possibilities for an emancipatory project. This project has taken on extra importance in the period of the fragility of global capital when the precariousness of capitalism threatens new and endless wars and destabilization in Africa. Modern humanitarianism forms one component of the weaponization of everything and it is within this ensemble of ideas that scholars need to deconstruct the discussion of failed states in Africa.


  • Silences in the discipline of International Relations on genocide amount to a form of genocide denial, which is one of the foundations of future genocide

  • Feminists in general and African feminists, in particular, have made a fundamental break with male centered concepts of the State and International Relations that is central to the Eurocentric paradigms of IR

  • Professor Deborah Brautigam refuted this argument with her research claiming that “the special relationship that China has with a lot of African countries is becoming something that’s much more obvious and that creates a sense of unease, I think, in the West, because of the economic threat, so maybe that Chinese will invest in areas or take over trade markets that we thought once we were going to have” [Brautigam 2009]

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Научная статья

Умолчание проблемы геноцида в международных отношениях — это одна из форм отрицания геноцида, которая в будущем может привести к новым масштабным преступлениям. В статье утверждается, что в эпоху глобального милитаризированного апартеида перед прогрессивными учеными стоит задача критики и разоблачения прошлых и нынешних преступлений против человечности, которые происходят в Африке. Опираясь на альтернативный анализ в рамках Бандунгского проекта, в документе был проанализирован вклад идей, возникших в результате борьбы против апартеида и борьбы за репаративное правосудие. Борьба Глобального Юга достигла кульминации в процессе Всемирной конференции против расизма (WCAR), в результате чего антирасистская проблематика стала центральной в международных отношениях в Африке. В статье анализируется усиление афропессимизма в контексте конструктивистских подходов в африканских международных отношениях. Эти две традиции открывают возможности для эмансипативного проекта. Современный гуманизм является оружием против этого, и именно в этом направлении ученые должны вести дискуссию о «несостоявшихся государствах» в Африке.

Intervention of Radical African Feminists
Imperialism Today and the Fragility of Capital
The Emancipatory Project in Africa
Conclusion and a New Research Agenda
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