
For $\mathfrak g$ a Kac-Moody algebra of affine type, we show that there is an $\text{Aut}\, \mathcal O$-equivariant identification between $\text{Fun}\,\text{Op}_{\mathfrak g}(D)$, the algebra of functions on the space of ${\mathfrak g}$-opers on the disc, and $W\subset \pi_0$, the intersection of kernels of screenings inside a vacuum Fock module $\pi_0$. This kernel $W$ is generated by two states: a conformal vector, and a state $\delta_{-1}\left|0\right>$. We show that the latter endows $\pi_0$ with a canonical notion of translation $T^{\text{(aff)}}$, and use it to define the densities in $\pi_0$ of integrals of motion of classical Conformal Affine Toda field theory. The $\text{Aut}\,\mathcal O$-action defines a bundle $\Pi$ over $\mathbb P^1$ with fibre $\pi_0$. We show that the product bundles $\Pi \otimes \Omega^j$, where $\Omega^j$ are tensor powers of the canonical bundle, come endowed with a one-parameter family of holomorphic connections, $\nabla^{\text{(aff)}} - \alpha T^{\text{(aff)}}$, $\alpha\in \mathbb C$. The integrals of motion of Conformal Affine Toda define global sections $[\mathbf v_j dt^{j+1} ] \in H^1(\mathbb P^1, \Pi\otimes \Omega^j,\nabla^{\text{(aff)}})$ of the de Rham cohomology of $\nabla^{\mathrm{(aff)}}$. Any choice of ${\mathfrak g}$-Miura oper $\chi$ gives a connection $\nabla^{\mathrm{(aff)}}_\chi$ on $\Omega^j$. Using coinvariants, we define a map $\mathsf F_\chi$ from sections of $\Pi \otimes \Omega^j$ to sections of $\Omega^j$. We show that $\mathsf F_\chi \nabla^{\text{(aff)}} = \nabla^{\text{(aff)}}_\chi \mathsf F_\chi$, so that $\mathsf F_\chi$ descends to a well-defined map of cohomologies. Under this map, the classes $[\mathbf v_j dt^{j+1} ]$ are sent to the classes in $H^1(\mathbb P^1, \Omega^j,\nabla^{\text{(aff)}}_\chi)$ defined by the ${\mathfrak g}$-oper underlying $\chi$.


  • The Aut O-action defines a bundle Π over P1 with fibre π0

  • Π0 is the vacuum Fock module for a system of rank(g) free bosons and its subspace W is defined to be the intersection of the kernels of certain screening operators associated to the simple roots of g. (Details are in Section 2.) It turns out that W is a Poisson vertex algebra generated by rank(g) generators

  • The generators of W can be seen as the integrals of motion of the classical Toda field theory associated to g, whose Hamiltonian H in the light-cone formalism is nothing but the sum of the screening operators [17]

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Free fields and screening operators

Our first objective is to recall the definitions of the objects in the embedding (1): the vacuum Fock module π0 and the screening operators which act on it. The Fock module π0 is a → 0 limit of a one-parameter family of vertex algebras π0. It is useful to start with this whole family, because doing so provides a natural way of understanding the semi-classical structures on π0, as we shall see . Free fields Let h be a finite-dimensional vector space over C, equipped with a non-degenerate symmetric bilinear form κ(·|·). We pick a basis {bi}di=im h of h and let {bi}di=im h ⊂ h be its dual basis with respect to the form κ(·|·):. We shall regard h as a commutative Lie algebra. Let be a parameter and denote by hthe central extension of the loop algebra h((t)), by a one-dimensional centre C1, defined by the cocycle res κ(f |dg). Hhas commutation relations [bim, bjn] = 1mδn+m,0 κ bi|bj ,.

Fock modules
Vertex algebra
Conformal vectors
Intertwiners and screenings
Classical limit
Classical screenings Sλ
Functions on the formal disc
Quasi-conformal structure on π0
Cartan data
Conformal affine Toda
The algebras W and W
Conformal algebra structure on π0 and W
Canonical modes
Coinvariants on the Riemann sphere
Germs of functions
The bundle ξΠ
The sheaf of Lie algebras ξH
Local Lie algebras ξHxi
Embedding of global into local
7.11. The modules Cvχ
7.13. Properties of coinvariants
Conformal primaries and global constant sections
Definition of g-opers Let opg be the set of all connections of the form
Coordinate transformations
Miura opers
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