
Th is study assesses the contribution of socio-economic and demographic variables on children ever born (CEB) for wo men who have experienced do mestic vio lence and wo men who have not experienced do mestic v iolence by applying mu ltip le classification analysis (MCA). The shrinkage coefficient (λ ) is employed for goodness of fit of the model. For this, Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey (BDHS) 2007 data is used in this study. This study contains 10,146 currently married wo men out of 10,996 ever-married wo men. Findings reveal that respondent's education, age at marriage and wealth index has a negative significant effect on CEB and these are the first, second and third strongest influential factors for explaining the variab ility of CEB included all other variables for both wo men who have experienced domestic vio lence and wo men who have not experienced domestic violence. In this paper, it is recommended that respondent's age at marriage and educational qualification should be raised substantially for abating fertility and domestic vio lence against women in Bangladesh. Keywords Do mestic and Non-Do mestic Vio lence, Ch ildren Ever Bo rn (CEB), Socio-demographic Factors, Multiple Classification Analysis (MCA), Cross - validity predict ion power (CVPP), Shrin kage Coefficient and Bangladesh

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