
1. 1. Aerosols of epinephrine are of value in relieving acute attacks of asthma. 2. 2. Aerosols of the antibiotics have proved of real value in combating the infection associated with bronchiectasis and in preventing postoperative complications. 3. 3. Aerosols of penicillin and neosynephrin have been of value in treating acute and chronic sinusitis. 4. 4. Aerosols of penicillin and physiologic salt solution have been used successfully in the treatment of acute laryngotracheobronchitis associated with edema. 5. 5. Aerosols of penicillin have been reported to be of value in the treatment of pneumonia and pulmonary abscess. 6. 6. Aerosols of penicillin, ammonium chloride and aminophylline have been reported to be of value in enabling the patient with bronchial asthma to raise more easily the thick tenacious sputum encountered at times in this disease but no consistently favorable effect on the asthmatic attack itself has been noted. 7. 7. Aerosols of penicillin or of the sulfonamide drugs may prove of value in relieving the asthmatic attack if it has followed an acute respiratory infection with fever. The specific effect in this instance is on the respiratory infection and not on the asthmatic attack per se.

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