
ConspectusAerosol particles represent unique chemical environments because of their high surface area-to-volume ratio that promotes the effects of interfacial chemistry in confined environments. Properties such as viscosity, diffusivity, water content, pH, and morphology-following liquid-liquid phase separation-can strongly alter how a particle interacts with condensable vapors and reactive trace gases, thus modifying its continual evolution and environmental effects. Our understanding of this chemical evolution of atmospheric particulate matter and its environmental impacts is largely limited by our ability to directly observe how these critical particle properties respond to the addition or reactive uptake of new chemical components. Aerosol optical tweezers (AOT) stably trap particles in focused laser beams, providing positional control and the retrieval of many of these critical properties required to understand and predict the chemistry of aerosolized microdroplets. The analytical power of the AOT stems from the retrieval of the cavity-enhanced Raman spectrum induced by the trapping laser. Analysis of the whispering gallery modes (WGMs) that resonate as a standing wave around the droplet's interface, provide high accuracy measurements of the droplet's size, refractive index (and thus a measurement of composition), and can distinguish between core-shell, partially engulfed, and homogeneous morphologies. We have advanced the ability to determine the properties of the core and shell phases in biphasic droplets, including obtaining high-accuracy pH measurements. These capabilities were applied to perform AOT physical chemistry experiments on authentic secondary organic aerosol (SOA) produced directly in the AOT chamber by ozonolysis of terpene vapors. The propensity of the SOA to phase separate as a shell from a wide range of nonpolar to polar core phases was observed, along with the discovery of a stable emulsified state of SOA particles in an aqueous salt droplet. Micron-thick SOA shells did not impede the gain or loss of water or squalane from the core to the surrounding air, indicating no significant diffusional limitations to condensational growth or partitioning even under dry conditions. These experiments formed the foundation of a new framework that predicts how the phase-separated morphology of complex aerosols containing organic carbon evolves during continual atmospheric oxidation processes. Increases in oxidation state will quickly drive conversion from a partially engulfed to core-shell morphology that has dramatically different chemical reactivity since the core phase is completely concealed by the shell. The recent advances in the experimental capabilities of the AOT technique such as presented here enable novel experimental methodologies that provide insights into the chemistry and multidimensional properties of aerosol microdroplets, and how these coevolve and respond to continual chemical reactions.

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