The Guapiara Lineament located on the northern edge of the Ponta Grossa Arch, Southeastern São Paulo state, Brazil, it is an important morphostructural feature defined by dykes oriented in NW-SE direction. The main objective of this work is applying new techniques for enhancing magnetic anomalies of the Guapiara Lineament and other structures, and using aeromagnetic data as support for the analysis of structure reactivation. Aerogeophysical techniques included qualitative and semiquantitative approaches (Euler Deconvolution and Radial Average Spectrum), we used the vertical and horizontal gradients, as well as deep magnetic sources and shallow magnetic sources filters, for an in-depth magnetic-structural characterization that was further correlated with the outcropping geology. We have also applied upward continuation (2000m) in the anomalous magnetic field map which was the basis for applying the Total Horizontal Gradient of the Analytical Signal (TDY), Analytic Signal Amplitude (ASA), Tilt angle (TDR), Total Horizontal Derivative of the Tilt Angle (TDR-THDR) and Tilt Angle of the Horizontal Gradient (TAHG) to improve our interpretations of the regional framework. The magnetic trends of the Guapiara Lineament are superimposed on the NE-SW (e.g.: Cubatão Lineament) and E-W (e.g.: São Sebastião Lineament) anomalies, which are considered structural inheritances of the Proterozoic basement. We report a set of reactivated N40–70W and E-W strike-slip faults showing the same orientation as the mapped magnetic lineaments. Moreover, they seem to be associated to deformational features in the dyke swarm, which was interpreted as evidence of Cenozoic tectonic reactivation.
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