
Studies have shown that the entry of metals and other pollutants by aerogenic means into Lake Ladoga is associated with the presence of both remote and local sources of entry into the atmosphere. In this regard, Lake Ladoga is in a vulnerable state, as studies have shown – since often the metal content in precipitation is higher than in water. This is especially dangerous for the shallow littoral zone of the lake, where the dilution rate is low due to the volume of water. This showed their presence in water, sediments and fish, and most importantly – the impact on the biota and, above all, on the ichthyofauna, since fish are able to accumulate pathological information during their life cycle. Toxicosis has become a mass phenomenon in these waters, which has affected the natural reproduction of fish with a prolonged effect on populations and ichthyocinosis in general. The inflow of metals and other pollutants of organic nature (xenobiotics) in the form of dry and wet precipitation forms a polluting surface runoff, which is associated with difficulties in carrying out preventive measures.

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