Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) reports contain resourceful intelligence on cyber-attack campaigns, which provides great help for security analysts to infer attack trends and enhance their defenses. However, due to the diversity of report content and writing styles, current intelligence extraction is mostly based on time-consuming manual efforts. Moreover, existing automatic methods generally neglect the importance of background knowledge and produce inexact extraction results. These problems prevent the effective utilization and sharing of intelligence from CTI reports. In this paper, we primarily focus on the automatic extraction of attack technique (AT) intelligence, which reveals patterns of attack behaviors and hardly changes over time. We propose a novel automatic AT extraction pipeline for CTI reports (AECR). AECR explores the feasibility of extracting AT intelligence based on a fined-tuned large language model (LLM). Particularly, we endow the selected LLM with enhanced domain-specific knowledge to improve its comprehension of AT-relevant content and alleviate the hallucination problem. Experimental results demonstrate that AECR outperforms state-of-the-art methods by a wide margin with a reasonable time cost. Specifically, we improve the accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score by 108%, 37.2%, 22.4%, and 67.5% respectively. To the best of our knowledge, AECR is the first to perform AT extraction based on fine-tuned LLM.
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