
ABSTRACT Migration is an important soft power effect in Australia. Many migrants are attracted to Australia today because of the opportunity it would provide for a better life. Australia’s political values, rule-of-law and economic and social conditions are among the attractions. Virtue as reposed in adherence to liberal values and virtuosity in crafting messages, cultural objects, events, programmes and laws are viewed as key soft power predicates. Yet there are instances where members of diasporic groups choose to support values of authoritarian countries of origin within the liberal Australian polity that are antithetical to Australian liberal democratic values. This soft power oration-based article addresses the seeming paradox of migrants presumably attracted by liberal values and benefits supporting values that are in sharp contrast. It suggests that research is required to understand diasporic communities relations with their states-of-origin, legitimate right and need to evolve to be Australians who are proud of their cultures-of-origin and how the Australian story could be better told in order that the virtues of liberalism become more evident to all migrants resident in Australia.

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