
We have shown previously that isotope-labelled nucleotides in human metaphase chromosomes can be detected and mapped by imaging secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS), using the University of Chicago high resolution scanning ion microprobe (UC SIM). These early studies, conducted with BrdU- and 14C-thymidine-labelled chromosomes via detection of the Br and 28CN- (14C14N-> labelcarrying signals, provided some evidence for the condensation of the label into banding patterns along the chromatids (SIMS bands) reminiscent of the well known Q- and G-bands obtained by conventional staining methods for optical microscopy. The potential of this technique has been greatly enhanced by the recent upgrade of the UC SIM, now coupled to a high performance magnetic sector mass spectrometer in lieu of the previous RF quadrupole mass filter. The high transmission of the new spectrometer improves the SIMS analytical sensitivity of the microprobe better than a hundredfold, overcoming most of the previous imaging limitations resulting from low count statistics.

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