
Food processing technologies play a vital role in ensuring the safety, quality, and sustainability of the global food supply. This research investigates recent advancements in these technologies and their impact on food safety, product quality, and sustainability. Preservation techniques such as high-pressure processing, pulsed electric field processing, and hurdle technology are shown to enhance microbial safety while preserving nutrition and sensory attributes. Advanced thermal methods like microwave processing, ohmic heating, and radio frequency heating reduce processing time, energy consumption, and maintain product quality. Non-thermal technologies such as ultraviolet light, cold plasma, and ultrasound extend shelf life without compromising nutrition and sensory properties. Innovative packaging systems contribute to freshness, prolonged shelf life, and reduced food waste. The research emphasizes sustainable practices such as energy-efficient equipment, optimized water usage, waste reduction, and eco-friendly packaging materials. Adoption of advancements in food processing technologies can improve consumer confidence, reduce waste, and create a sustainable food supply chain. This research serves as a valuable resource for industry professionals, researchers, and policymakers seeking to implement innovative food processing technologies. Key Words: cutting-edge technologies, hurdle technology, ohmic heating, cold plasma technology

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