
In the pursuit of precise diagnostics for measuring negative ion density in a helicon plasma source (HPS), a new approach utilizing a radio frequency (RF) broadband transformer-based Langmuir probe is developed specifically for laser photo-detachment (LPD) analysis. This inductively coupled LPD technique is useful for high power RF systems in which capacitive RF noise is in the same scale as the pulsed photo-detachment signal. The signal acquired by this transformer-based probe is compared against the conventional Langmuir probe-based LPD technique, revealing a remarkable enhancement in signal fidelity through an improved signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) achieved by the RF broadband transformer methodology. In addition, the localized hydrogen negative ion density measurements obtained through this probe are harmoniously aligned with the line-averaged negative ion density derived from the cavity ringdown spectroscopy (CRDS) technique. These concurrence measurements highlight the RF broadband transformer-based approach's accuracy in capturing localized negative ion density during helicon mode operation in an HPS setup. Furthermore, the correlation of negative ion density values with RF input exhibits a consistent trend in tandem with background plasma density. Notably, both CRDS and LPD measurements ascertain negative ion densities ranging from ∼5 to 6×1016m-3 under an RF power of 500-700W and a pressure of 8 × 10-3mbar, all under the influence of a 55G axial magnetic field. These specific parameters represent the optimal operational configuration for effective negative ion production with the present experimental HPS setup. Due to its better SNR, the RF broadband transformer-based Langmuir probe emerges as a useful tool for LPD diagnostics, particularly in the presence of pervasive RF noise.

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