
Abstract A modified microphysics scheme is implemented in the Community Atmosphere Model, version 5 (CAM5). The new scheme features prognostic precipitation. The coupling between the microphysics and the rest of the model is modified to make it more flexible. Single-column tests show the new microphysics can simulate a constrained drizzling stratocumulus case. Substepping the cloud condensation (macrophysics) within a time step improves single-column results. Simulations of mixed-phase cases are strongly sensitive to ice nucleation. The new microphysics alters process rates in both single-column and global simulations, even at low (200 km) horizontal resolution. Thus, prognostic precipitation can be important, even in low-resolution simulations where advection of precipitation is not important. Accretion dominates as liquid water path increases in agreement with cloud-resolving model simulations and estimates from observations. The new microphysics with prognostic precipitation increases the ratio of accretion over autoconversion. The change in process rates appears to significantly reduce aerosol–cloud interactions and indirect radiative effects of anthropogenic aerosols by up to 33% (depending on substepping) to below 1 W m−2 of cooling between simulations with preindustrial (1850) and present-day (2000) aerosol emissions.

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