
The boom of amateur piano learning in China began in the early days of reform and opening up, and its enthusiasm has continued to this day. The age of 4-6 is usually considered as the golden age of piano enlightenment, but for adults who missed the golden age of enlightenment and have entered the society, there are not few people who use their spare time to learn piano in order to realize their piano dream. This paper uses qualitative research methods to interview four students, and analyzes and elaborates the factors that affect their learning effects in a summary way. The interviewees were interviewed in their native Mandarin, and the interviewees truthfully recorded their true views on the questions they asked. According to the answers of the interviewees and the objective analysis of the interviewees, the influencing factors of adult amateur piano learning can be summarized into the following four points: motivation and reasons for piano learning; The benefits of learning the piano; Difficulties in learning the piano; Teacher student relationship in learning piano.

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